Coopération internationale
Ass. Prof. Gersende LEPERE
All students of the Department of Biology of ENS are strongly encouraged to spend at least a semester abroad. This most often takes the form of a full semester of internship during the first Master year (second semester), but it is also possible to follow a semester of courses, in particular in one of ENS partner universities.
The main cooperation programs involving the Department of Biology are listed in the table below.
Most programs are operated by the International Mobility Unit of the Direction of International Relations and subject to eligibility criteria and deadlines listed in INTRANET (Direction des Relations internationales). It is the responsibility of each and every student to abide by the rules.
University | Topics | Contact |
ERASMUS+ | Internships | Gersende LEPERE |
AMI | Internships | gersende.lepere chez |
ERASMUS EPFL, Lausanne | Life sciences | charnay chez |
ERASMUS Italy | All disciplines | bismut chez |
PUF University of Arizona | Ecology | ferriere chez |
ASIA | ||
HKUST, Hong Kong | Life Sciences | thieffry chez |
NUS (CSI), Singapore | Cancer genomics | thieffry chez |
Additional information can be found on the websites of partner universities (teaching programs, research teams).
Plans for mobility must take into account the deadlines listed on the INTRANET and must be prepared well in advance, including discussion with the Tutor, and ultimately validated by the Director of Studies of the Department of Biology, before submission to the Direction of International Relations of ENS.
Each of the cooperation programs listed in the table provides specific support (e.g. lodging), which completes the help from the department (travel).
To apply to one of these cooperation programs, the first step is to attend the information meeting organized by the DRI in October, then meet the corresponding contact scientist at IBENS, who can provide further information and help to prepare the application.
Regarding ERASMUS application, deadlines vary depending on host universities (cf INTRANET, Direction des Relations internationales, ERASMUS). A complete application must be submitted to the Direction of International Relations at least 6 weeks before the deadline.
In the specific case of Italy, students can contact directly the local contact point, Martine Bismut.