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Entrée au niveau M1

International students entering the M1 level

To apply at the M1 level, a student must have a 3-year degree (180 ECTS, L3 or 3-year Bachelor) in Life sciences (or in another discipline while having demonstrated their interest for Life sciences through optional courses and/or internships).

There are two application tracks for international students to enter the Master 1 year (M1) of the Interdisciplinary Master in Life Sciences (IMaLiS). Both allow students to apply for competitive scholarships :

 Admission to IMaLiS offers competitive stipends (up to 10,000 €/year).
For further information, see the Q-Life/IMaLiS scholarship program.
Application have to be submitted from January 14th, 2025 - March 13th, 2025 via the PSL application platform ; there is only one application track whether or not the students apply for the scholarship as well.
Candidates preselected by the program committee are invited to an interview, with additional interviews and exams for candidates to scholarships.

 The International selection of the ENS offers attractive 3-year fellowships. See the Web page for eligibility and application.
Please note that applications are very early in the year (usually from mid-October to mid-December).

Please check the FAQ for additional information.
For specific questions regarding this programme, you can contact us.