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Cours et stage

Beginning of the academic year

The year’s presentation meeting will be held in room 306, on Tuesday, September 10th, 2024, from 11am to 12:30 pm.

The academic year will begin on Monday, September 16th, 2024.

Students who join in M1 should enroll in a refresher course on mathematics (Mathematics training), at the beginning of the academic year (September 4th-11th, 2024).

Provisional planning 2024-2025


Download 2024-2025 planning

Courses 2024-2025

 Mathematics training (E01, no ECTS)
 Developmental Biology at the Bench (3 ECTS)
 Developmental biology II (S01)
 Cell biology II : traffic, motility, biophysics - cours Pasteur/Curie/ENS (S02)
 Genomes & phenotypes (S04)
 Evolutionary genetics (S05)
 Evolutionary ecology (S06)
 Marine Ecology and Biodiversity - PSL week (S17)
 Community ecology (S07)
 Development of the nervous system (S08)
 Physiology of the neuron (S09)
 Synaptic foundations of network function (S10)
 Systems neurophysiology (S11)
 Molecular cancer genetics - cours Pasteur/Curie/ENS (S14)
 Fundamental immunology - cours Pasteur/ENS (S15)
 Microbial populations (T102)
 Evolution (T103)
 Physics & biology II (T104)
 Mathematics II : what a biologist might like to know (T105)
 Epigenetics (T108)
 Data analysis (T109, 3 ECTS)

Tranversal skills :

 Soft skills : what young scientists need to know
 NEW Open desk for coding skills

Majors and study program

Overview of Master 1 year

Semester 1 (S1, 30 ECTS, September to January) :

For completion of the first semester, lecture courses totalling 30 ECTS are to be chosen in the list above. Courses are organised by major fields, but students can also combine them in a more personal fashion that suits their scientific interests. Specific combinations of coursework can be suggested by faculty, for instance to best prepare for the Master 2 curricula, or to best further the student’s individual objectives. In any case, the selection of courses needs to be agreed by the tutor or a teaching staff member at the beginning of the year.
Additionally, M1 students must take one 6-ECTS English course from ECLA. This course is usually taken during the first semester.


Additional courses may be taken on top of the required 30 ECTS. The curriculum can also include courses in physics, mathematics and other fields, to build transdisciplinary training profiles.


Semester 2 (S2, 30 ECTS, February to end of June) :

Students enroll in a 4 to 5-month research internship in france or abroad.
Alternatively, they can enroll in a 3-month internship (in France only), to be completed with courses amounting to six ECTS.
To validate their internship, students submit a written report and defend their results in front of a jury.