Fundamental biology for health
M2 Imalis Fundamental biology for health track
Coordinators : Olivier COLLIN/Morgane THOMAS-CHOLLIER
At least 18 ECTS have to be taken from your selected track.
First semester : 30 ECTS
- Functional genomic data analysis : transcriptomics, ENS - 3 ECTS - E02
- Functional genomic data analysis : epigenomics, ENS - 3 ECTS - E16
- Frontiers in Microbial systems, ENS - 3 ECTS - E18
- Curie/SU : Developmental Biology : from stem cells to morphogenesis - 6 ECTS (+ 6 ECTS for the workshop)
- Computational Systems Biology of Cancer, Mines/Curie/ENS - 3 ECTS - E28
- Medical and Molecular Genetics, ENS - 3 ECTS - E32
- Cellular ecosystems : from modelling to medicine, ENS - 3 ECTS - E05
- Cellular machineries : genome repair and stability, ENS - 3 ECTS - E06
- Cells of the brain, ENS - 3 ECTS - E22
- Neuropathology, ENS - 3 ECTS - E24
- Pasteur : Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics (in French) - 12 ECTS + 3 ECTS as extra
- Pasteur : Advanced Immunology - 12 ECTS + 3 ECTS as extra
- Curie : Development and Cancer - 3 ECTS
- Quantitative Viral Dynamics, ENS - 3 ECTS - E35
- Advanced Data Analysis, ENS - 6 ECTS - E40
- Pasteur : Molecular Biology of the Cell - 12 ECTS [this course takes place in February and may thus require to plan your internship in two parts]
Second semester : 30 ECTS
Long internship (5 months, 30 ECTS)