Mathematics 0
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Master in Life Sciences, ENS
BIO_M2 | MATH 0 | Mathematics
Year and Semester : M2 | S1
Where : Sorbonne Université
Duration : 20 hours
Dates : September 9-20, 2024
Maximum class size : 20 students
This course is open to external students, contact the coordinator.
Christine Dillmann, INRAE
Pierre de Villemereuil, EPHE
Probability theory | Complex numbers | Differential equations | Linear algebra.
Course prerequisites
There are no course prerequisites.
Course objectives and description
Aims : Introduction to probability theory and linear algebra.
Themes : The course will introduce students to the basic concepts in probability theory and common distributions of random variables. Emphasis will be placed on linear matrix algebra, matrix description and common operations. We will also introduce students to concepts of experimental design, hypothesis testing, differential equations and complex numbers.
Organisation : There will be nine 1.5h lectures followed by 1.5h practicals (TD).
Students will be evaluated based on their attendance and active participation in the lectures and seminar.
Course material
Lecture and computer practical handouts will be provided to the students.