ABC-B : Advanced Biology Course on Brain Neurovascular Interfaces
Master in Life Sciences, ENS
BIO-AA-PG-ABCB-S2 | ABC-B : Advanced Biology Course on Brain Neurovascular Interfaces
Year and Semester : M2|S2
Where : Biology department, ENS
Hours : Wednesdays, 17:15-19:15pm, from March 13th 2024 to June 5th 2024
Martine Cohen-Salmon (CIRB Collège de France)
Guy Malkinson (CIRB Collège de France)
To register, please send an email to Bofei MA before February 29th, 2024
Cerebral vasculature | neurons | endothelium | blood-brain-barrier | astrocytes | microglia | neurovascular unit | cerebrospinal fluid | perivascular spaces | perivascular macrophages.
Course Prerequisites
For each session, the speaker will provide a review/research article to be read beforehand, and briefly introduce at the beginning what is needed to understand his/her lecture. Hence no prerequisite is required as long as the student is motivated enough by the topic to read the bibliography provided by the speaker before the session.
Course objectives and description
Aims : The aim of this course is to familiarize the audience with contemporary research on the neurovascular interface of the brain.
The course will focus on the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the reciprocal crosstalk between the vascular network and neurons, including the endothelium, the perivascular spaces, astrocytes and microglia, with the overall purpose of understanding how these various tissues and cellular populations interact in order to support and ensure proper and stable brain functions.
Themes : Thematics will cover : brain glial cells and their interaction with the vascular tissue ; neurovascular coupling and how the parenchyma regulates metabolic demands ; the perivascular spaces, with a focus on cerebrospinal fluid and perivascular macrophages ; blood brain barrier signaling ; and an emphasis will be given to how different pathologies impact these tissues and the mutual signaling pathways between them.
Organisation :
The lectures will be given by top-level scientists, who are specialists in their respective research fields and employ diverse and wide range of research techniques in their laboratories, ranging from molecular to entire brain level explorations.
– Validation for M1/M2 (with grades) : Article presentation (Maximum 12-14 students, 1 article presentation per session)
– Validation for ENS diploma / Doctoral school (without grades) : assiduity (presence to at least 80% of the sessions) + presentation of the speaker/topic (Maximum 12-14 students. If more, we may propose a validation by article presentation, depending on number of applicants)
– Possible to attend the course without validation in the limit of room availability / social distancing (depending on demands, an online version may be proposed)
Course material
Slides and online presentations will be made available (with agreement of the speaker of each session)
Suggested reading in relationship with the module content
Reviews/articles : Each speaker will indicate the relevant bibliography (1-2 references) to read ahead of his/her lecture.