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S05 - Evolutionary genetics


Download 2024-2025 planning

Biology Master, ENS
Year : 1 (M1)
Semester : 1 (S1)

Course code :


Course name :

Evolutionary genetics

Coordinator :

Frédéric Austerlitz



Keywords :

population genetics, multifactorial genetics, evolutionary biology, coalescent theory, neutral evolution, adaptation.

Prerequisites for the course :

Basic population genetics (licence/BSc module).

Course objectives and description :

Based on the previously acquired knowledge in population genetics, the course aims at studying the factors that affect the genomic diversity of populations, and as a consequence the diversity of phenotypic traits. The fundamental concepts of evolutionary biology will also be presented.

Assessment / evaluation :

written or oral exam

Course material (hand-outs, online presentation available, …) :

powerpoint presentations of the speakers.

Suggested readings in relationship with the module content (textbook chapters, reviews, articles) :

  Henry, J. P. & Gouyon, P. H. (2008). Précis de génétique des populations. Dunod, Paris.
  Hartl, D. L. (2000). A primer of population genetics. 3rd edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass.