Microbial populations
Biology Master, ENS
Year : 1 (M1)
Semester : 1 (S1)
Course code : UNBIO1-047 (T102)
Course name : Microbial populations
Coordinator : Eric Michel
ECTS : 6
Maximum number of students : 24
Keywords : microbiology, bio-films, environmental genomics, host-parasite interactions, antibiotics.
Prerequisites for the course : Curiosity and an open-mind are needed.
Course objectives and description : The purpose of this module is to discover some unknown aspects of microbiology, particularly bacteriology, to show the lifestyle of microorganisms and their ability to adapt to the environment.
Assessment / evaluation : It can vary, written examination or analysis of an article.
Suggested readings in relationship with the module content (textbook chapters, reviews, articles) :
– Traité d’écologie microbienne, édité par Jean-Claude Bertrand, Pierre Caumette, Philippe Lebaron, Robert Matheron et Philippe Normand aux Presses Universitaires de Pau. (http://www.presses-univ-pau.fr/cart/Details/101/4/sciences-humaines/ecologie-microbienne.html)