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Year 2: Paris

Co-directors of the programme, year 2 : Prof. Ann Lohof (SU), Dr Andrea Dumoulin (ENS)

This second year comprises one semester of courses (30 ECTS) and one semester dedicated to the reseach project (30 ECTS). Each student’s options will be discussed individually at the beginning of the year with the co-directors. Courses can be chosen from a selection of courses of the following masters :

Students will be registered at Sorbonne Université in the Dual Masters track of the M2 BIP Neurosciences.

To the attention of international, non French speaking students :

All courses are taught in English. Examinations and dissertations may be written in French or in English, and research projects in labs can be carried in English. Although there is no strict requirement for a certification in French language, please bear in mind that some basic/intermediate French for every day life and to deal with the french administration is needed.