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Courses and internship

Master 2 IMaLiS

Beginning of the academic year

The academic year will begin on Monday, September 9th, 2024.

Planning, Tracks, Courses 2024-2025

Planning of the IMaLiS M2 year 2024-25
The full planning is available for download in the right-hand column.

Detailed plannings are available for each track below :

The first semester (30 ECTS) is mainly devoted to courses following one of the tracks. Sub-tracks are proposed for further specialization. Cross-sampling between tracks is still possible, provided faculty are in agreement.

In all cases, students will have to validate their study program with their track coordinator before the beginning of the year.

Other courses at ENS-PSL

Students can combine courses from the tracks with other selected courses from ENS-PSL.

2024 Graduate Program in Life Sciences courses

Other courses at PSL and partner institutes

See list of other PSL courses and partner institutes.


The second semester is spent completing a 5-month internship with an academic or industry research group, in France or exceptionally abroad.
According to the courses chosen by the student, it can start between the beginning of November and the beginning of February at the latest but it cannot be shorter than 20 weeks. This internship can be considered as a prelude to a PhD thesis.

Choice of the laboratory

The host lab is chosen together with the teaching staff.
Enrolled students will have access to a list of proposed internships. This include internships from partner laboratories (PSL laboratories) and from other historical partners, i.e. Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité, or others high level French research institutions. If the chosen internship does not belong to our portfolio, it has to be validated by the teaching team.

Student recipient of the Qlife or the Memolife scholarship have to chose their internship laboratory among the Qlife or the Memolife laboratories, respectively.
 Memolife laboratories
 Qlife laboratories
Internship in other laboratories may eventually be arranged in agreement with the teaching staff.

Evaluation of the laboratory training

To validate their internship, students submit a written report and defend their results in front of a jury at the end of June.
