INV - Cours Professeur invité : The dynamic proteome
2016-2017 course date : from 17th to 21th october
Biology Master, ENS
Year : 1 (M1)
Semester : 1 (S1)
Course code :
Course name :
Invited Professor Course « The dynamic proteome »
Coordinator :
Pr Richard Morimoto, Northwestern University, Chicago
Olivier Bensaude, Contact Ens
Keywords :
protein folding and misfolding, chaperones, cell stress response, cell pathology, protein conformational diseases
Prerequisites for the course :
Biology L3 at ENS, or an intermediate course in genetics
Course objectives and description :
In this course, we will cover topics on the underlying properties of the proteome including topics on : (1) the intrinsic physical biochemical characteristics of protein folding, (2) protein folding in the cell and the role of molecular chaperones to guide folding and prevent misfolding, (3) the role of the proteostasis network in determining the overall stability of the proteome and the balance of folding, function, and clearance, (4) the regulation of molecular chaperones by cell stress responses, and (5) protein conformational diseases and the role of misfolding and aggregation to cell pathology, disease, and therapeutics. The course will take the form of lectures and open discussion based on assignment of primary literature. This course will be exclusively in english.
Assessment / evaluation :
Oral presentation using powerpoint based on topics from the literature. This will provide an ability to develop critical thinking together with oral arguments.
Course material (hand-outs, online presentation available, …) :
Powerpoint presentations and primary literature (3-8 papers/lecture) provided as pdf assignments.
Suggested readings in relationship with the module content (textbook chapters, reviews, articles) :
Primary literature (3-8 papers/lecture) provided as pdf assignments by the coordinator.